#check total %
ps aux | awk ‘{sum +=$4}; END {print sum}’#check total mem
ps aux | awk ‘{sum +=$5}; END {print sum}’
ps -auxf | sort -nr -k 4 | head -5
#free mem checking
free -t -m
#release cache
echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
Change to normal mode with
Search (Wraped around at end of file):
Search STRING forward : / STRING. Search STRING backward: ? STRING. Repeat search: n Repeat search in opposite direction: N (SHIFT-n)
First occurrence on current line: :s/OLD/NEW Globally (all) on current line: :s/OLD/NEW/g Between two lines #,#: :#,#s/OLD/NEW/g Every occurrence in file: :%s/OLD/NEW/g